We appreciate all the support we get from the local community in making this event a success.

We look forward to welcoming you all in 2025.

Friday May 2nd 5pm to Monday May 5th 5pm.

Friday 5pm till 11pm: Live music and a real ale bar.
Saturday & Sunday: Traders 10am till 5pm. Live music and a real ale bar 12 midday till 11pm.
Monday: Traders and live music 10am till 5pm. Real ale bar 12 midday till 5pm.

Don’t forget the Great Droitwich Annual Duck Race on Bank Holiday Monday at 4.30pm.

Great cash prizes to be won. Buy your tickets at the Canal Society gazebo.

For enquiries please email: strichardsinfo@wbdcs.org.uk

Classic and Vintage Cars


St. Richard’s Canal Festival is a great weekend for boat owners. Boats are moored either at Netherwich Basin or alongside the towpath in Vines Park. There is plenty to do during the weekend. The festival is a great way to meet other boaters and catch up with old friends.



Stalls and Exhibitors

The Festival is a great way to sell direct to customers, raise funds and promote your business/community group.

Booking forms: https://wbdcs.org.uk/st-richards-canal-festival-2025/

We regret that once again there will not be any vintage/classic cars.